MIN, The New Simplicity in Graphic Design

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“Authored by Stuart Tolley, is the first thorough look at this rebirth of simplicity in graphic design. The book showcases global minimalist designers, working across a wide range of formats and media, which are interspersed with exclusive interviews and essays. To create a uniform backdrop, we photographed each of the 162 contributors’ examples, which are exclusive to the book.”

Transmission is a graphic design studio and editorial consultancy. That means they can bridge the gap between design and text, making it easier for anyone to bring their stories to life, regardless of the project or format. Whether they were small, independent start-ups, or huge global brands, their clients have found them to be approachable, creative and efficient. That’s because the team is small enough to be responsive and experienced enough to identify the right solution.

Posted by - Last modified on September 19th, 2022 at 6:59 pm