Studio Branding & Swag by Franklyn

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Franklyn is the creative studio you’ve been searching for all your life.
Bringing a boutique approach to innovative global brands and startups alike, Franklyn is devoted to providing clients with exceptional creative work and keeping them happy along the way. To that end they strive to think before they act, respond rather than react, and stay trill.

“A couple of years ago, Franklyn co-founder Michael Freimuth wanted to print their name on a comb. He did and they started bringing them to new business meetings as parting gifts. They were an instant success, even with bald heads. Next came branded versions of his partner Patrick Richardson’s favorite 4-color Bic pens. Last Fall, an invitation to participate in the Image of the Studio exhibition at Cooper Union justified the creation of Franklyn toothbrushes, snapback hats, air fresheners and more.”

Posted by - Last modified on March 16th, 2022 at 5:59 pm